Like the seasons, volunteers at The Court Theatre come and go on a regular basis. However, a number stay for the long haul and a recent retiree from The Friends Committee is such a one.
Wendy Carryer announced her retirement this year after 25 years as an usher and 14 on the Committee.
During her time on the Committee, Wendy has been convenor of Opening Night Suppers, after which she took over the running of the Coffee Bar, placing orders and collecting most of the merchandise in her own time. She was also a crucial member of the taskforce established to investigate the purchase of an espresso machine – now a huge asset. During her tenure, the Coffee Bar has evolved from a snack bar into a lively, active Coffee Bar, now staffed and administered more by theatre staff than volunteers.
We wish Wendy many happy years in retirement and send our grateful thanks for the endless hours she has spent as a volunteer.