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Roadworks on Lincoln Rd

Friends of The Court Theatre

Roadworks to create bus lanes for peak traffic periods have started on Lincoln Road. This will mean more congestion and slower traffic whilst the lanes are being created by Isaac Construction. These works will be underway until 6pm each day, so please factor this into your trips to The Court Theatre if buying tickets, coming to education classes or attending 6pm performances.

In early June we can expect access to The Court Theatre to be only via Clarence St, so please keep alert for emails and newsletters from us that may update you to these specific dates.

You can find out more about the creation of the bus lanes here.

Space that was previously available as Court Theatre overflow carparking is now being used by Isaac Construction as a site compound, with access from Clarence St. We anticipate minimal disruption to our patrons in the evenings, but there may be an overlap when they will be winding down the site compound each day about 6pm. Parking spaces available at the theatre may decrease, but we are investigating some promising options (so don’t panic!) and of course we will keep you posted. In the meantime, we also encourage you to carpool to the theatre or consider other options such as buses or rideshare services.


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