Over 60 Friends attended our Annual General Meeting on Monday 9 May to receive reports from the Chair and Treasurer and to elect our various officers for the coming year.

We were delighted that Dame Adrienne Stewart agreed to be our patron once again and Annie Bonifant resumed her role in leadership of the Committee. Further positions were confirmed: Treasurer - Lynn Vandertie; Secretary - Charles Duke; Membership Secretary - Jay Pollock, and Committee members Andrea Bankier, Pat Braithwaite, Cheryl Colley, Tony Feaver, Allanah James, Jenny May, Raewyn Raynel and David Winfield.
Andrea and Jenny were further elected as our Trustee representatives on the Board. At the conclusion of business Ross Gumbley provided his update on the new build in the city with customary passion and flair, following which many stayed for refreshments and good conversation.