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Au Revoir – But We Will See You Around

The Court Supporters

Written by Cheryl Colley

The Court Supporters Committee has recently said so long to two of its long-serving members – our Treasurer Aileen Wyld and our Secretary Judy Ashton.

Aileen Wyld – Keeper of the Finances

Aileen’s love for everything The Court Theatre offered began back in the mid-1980s. “My husband Rick and I would go to as many shows as possible. We just loved the interaction between actors and audience and felt so much a part of everything. The quality of the productions was always superb and the actors have such incredible ability.”

It wasn’t until she retired from work as an occupational health nurse in 2005 that Aileen had the time to become more involved in the theatre’s activities and give back something to a place where she had known so much joy. Aileen joined the Supporters’ Committee in 2006 and by 2008 she was our Treasurer. “I had lots of experience of this kind of role from being the Treasurer of the Occupational Health Nurses’ Association for many years, so I didn’t have any qualms about taking it on.”

Aileen is known for being a perfectionist. Things must be just right – that’s a pretty good quality in a Treasurer and our committee very quickly realised her competence and her commitment. We were indeed fortunate to have her in such a responsible role for so long.

Financial systems may have changed in recent years, but for most of Aileen’s tenure as Treasurer it was a case of collecting mail, opening subscription cheques, writing up deposit slips and ledgers and physically doing the banking. Aileen must have opened many thousands of envelopes and processed thousands of cheques to keep our society in very good financial health. Apparently she was so meticulous that she even saved the stamps from the envelopes. All these procedures made the role quite onerous, but Aileen relished it all.

“I was and still am passionate about everything The Court Theatre represents. I truly value the friendships I have made over the years, not only as the Supporters’ Treasurer, but from being an usher as well. There is nothing as good as seeing the pleasure on patrons’ faces as they come out from the theatre after a wonderful show.”

It was with great reluctance that Aileen made the decision to put aside all that bookkeeping and figures. “It was really a very hard choice to make, but my personal circumstances made it a necessity.”

You can be certain though that when she passed over all the years of records to our new Treasurer Lynn they were in pristine order. That is typical of Aileen.

Thank you so much for everything. We miss you, but the friendships made over the years are lasting.

Judy Ashton – Keeper of the Records & Card-maker Extraordinaire

The Court Theatre Supporters’ Committee doesn’t look the same now. Since the late 1980s, Judy Ashton has been an enduring presence on the committee, something of a Jill-of-all-trades from photographer, to card-maker, to letter writer and superb party hostess. She has served with some six Supporters’ Chairpersons, including me as her first. From 2002 Judy has been the Supporters’ Secretary, but recently she decided it was time to pass the mantle and the pen to one of the new members of the committee.

Judy met and married a Kiwi and was brought “as a souvenir” to New Zealand in 1971.

The performing arts had figured large in her life since she was a child in Townsville, Australia. “I grew up in a household that loved classical music. I still vividly remember the wonder of being taken to hear the Queensland Symphony Orchestra perform when they came to Townsville. Ballet entranced me and I was also in the local Choral Society taking part in musicals.”

So a professional theatre in her new home town was a must-see. She was delighted with what she found, and loving it all so much, she had to become involved in whatever way she could.

So inevitably Judy joined the Supporters’ Committee and finally found herself taking on the Secretary’s role. “I had shied away from it for some time, but when the previous Secretary really did want to retire I took it on. Surprisingly I have found it a very easy and satisfying role and it is great being part of a like-minded group, all passionate about the theatre. We have had some fun over the years with group meals, Karaoke nights and terrific fellowship.”

Judy is multi-talented. Not only has she kept excellent and comprehensive minutes, but she is also our official photographer and graphic artist. “Photography is my other great love besides the theatre. I was given a semi-automatic camera when I was 21 and that’s when the love affair began”. Judy has attended numerous photography courses and travelled widely over the years photographing everything from tiny flowers to people in all kinds of situations. Fortunately for us, Judy has agreed to continue as the photographer for our Supporters’ events.

Another of her myriad skills we will miss is Judy’s card design. She is an absolute whizz with Photoshop and has designed cards on behalf of our committee to say thank you, farewell, get well, congratulations and all kinds of other messages – each one personalised to the recipient – quite amazing.

Go well, Judy. We know we will see you around the theatre in the future.


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